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[VÍDEO] Spencer cortando o cabelo

Como todos sabem a 4° temporada esta chegando e os personagens estão ficando mais maduros, e o Jerry Trainor vai estar com o cabelo curto, confira abaixo o vídeo do Spencer cortando o cabelo.

Não percam iGot a Hot Room nesta sexta

2 comentários:

  1. Jerry is pretty cool, this video was funny, he like the way your cheeks with air, but I do not like Gibby's brother, the Guppy, it is strange and very different, so I do not like him, but Jerry, mean Spencer is very funny, well I'm number one fan of icarly, Miranda and a pretty picture, The Jennette, too, Freddie seems boring, Gibby is too fat, he takes his shirt off all the time, this is wrong here in Brazil, but staff does everything to not make that mistake, well, do not have much to tell, but I'm anxious for the 4th season, because here where I live (Brazil) has not released yet, and I'll be waiting for you , and the episode (I have a hot room), hopefully this is the name of the episode, I hope you read this, which is not the case, well, bye ...

    Thanks for reading!

    My Feelings Are : :j, :e, :f, :h, :p and :i

  2. Jerry is pretty cool, this video was funny, he like the way your cheeks with air, but I do not like Gibby's brother, the Guppy, it is strange and very different, so I do not like him, but Jerry, mean Spencer is very funny, well I'm number one fan of icarly, Miranda and a pretty picture, The Jennette, too, Freddie seems boring, Gibby is too fat, he takes his shirt off all the time, this is wrong here in Brazil, but staff does everything to not make that mistake, well, do not have much to tell, but I'm anxious for the 4th season, because here where I live (Brazil) has not released yet, and I'll be waiting for you , and the episode (I have a hot room), hopefully this is the name of the episode, I hope you read this, which is not the case, well, bye ...

    Thanks for reading!


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